Restorative Practices for School Communities–Training Manual
Restorative Solutions, Inc.Spiral Bound
140 pages
14th Edition 2024
US $20.00 (for distribution at our trainings)
Restorative Practices for School Communities Training Manual is for teachers, counselors, administrators, and other school staff that introduces them to the core concepts of restorative practices in schools. The training manual includes sections on:
- Restorative Justice and Restorative Discipline
- Restorative Theory in Schools
- 5 Key Restorative Practices
- Implementing Restorative Practices, and
- Action Planning Worksheets.
This training manual is intended to be used with our two or three-day training.

Restorative Justice & Restorative Mediation for School Communities–Facilitator Training Manual
Restorative Solutions, Inc.
Spiral Bound
124 pages
12th Edition 2022
US $20.00 (for distribution at our trainings)
Restorative Justice & Restorative Mediation for School Communities Facilitator Training Manual is for teachers, counselors, administrators, and other school staff who want to become restorative justice and mediation facilitators in their schools. The training manual includes sections on:
- Restorative Justice Overview
- Restorative Justice and Conflict Mediation in Schools
- Mediation/Conferencing
- Follow Up
- Implementation
- Restorative Discipline

Active Implementation & Evaluation–Training Manual
Restorative Solutions, Inc.
Spiral Bound
134 pages
6th Edition 2023
US $20.00 (for distribution at our trainings)
Active Implementation & Evaluation Training Manual is for teachers, counselors, administrators, and other school staff who are part of their implementation team in their schools. The training manual includes sections on:
- Implementation Science
- Restorative Discipline Codes
- Data Collection and Evaluation
- Action Planning
This training manual is intended to be used with our three-day training.

Engaging Students & Families in Restorative Practices–A Workbook for Schools
Restorative Solutions, Inc.
Spiral Bound
82 pages
2nd Edition 2023
US $20.00 plus $10 shipping (email us for a copy)
Engaging Students & Families in Restorative Practices is for teachers, counselors, administrators, and other school staff who are looking for ways to engage students and families in building and maintaining their restorative school culture. The workbook includes sections on the Spectrum of Engagement; Applying the Spectrum to the RP Partnership Benchmarks; Introducing Students to RP with Ideas and Sample Lesson Plans; Elementary and Secondary Materials; and Handouts and Resources for Parents.
This workbook can be purchased separately from our training but is intended to be used by folks who are currently implementing Restorative Practices. Please contact us if you’re interested.

Training of Trainers Training Manual- Restorative Practices for School Communities
Restorative Solutions, Inc.
Spiral Bound
112 pages
5th Edition 2024
US $20.00 (for distribution at our trainings)
Training of Trainers Training Manual is for teachers, counselors, administrators, and other school staff who have been trained in our materials, have practiced for over a year and attended our 3-Day Training of Trainers. The training manual includes sections on:
- Our Training Model
- Trainer Guidelines and Standards
- Training Agendas
- List of Videos
- Trainer's Rubric
- Assessment Tools
- Our Expectations.
This training manual is intended to be used with our three-day training.

Training of Trainers Training Manual- Restorative Mediation & Conferencing
Restorative Solutions, Inc.
Spiral Bound
112 pages
2nd Edition 2024
US $20.00 (for distribution at our trainings)
Training of Trainers Training Manual for Restorative Mediation & Conferencing is for teachers, counselors, administrators, and other school staff who have been trained in Restorative Mediation & Conferencing, have practiced for over a year, and attended our 1 or 2-Day Training of Trainers for Restorative Mediation & Conferencing. The training manual includes sections on:
- Our Training Model
- Trainer Guidelines and Standards
- Training Agenda
- List of Videos and Role Plays
- Trainer's Rubric
- Assessment Tools
- Our Expectations.
This training manual is intended to be used with our one or two-day training.

Restorative Practice for School Communities-Trainers' Follow-Up Training Manual
Restorative Solutions, Inc.
Spiral Bound
124 pages
1st Edition 2024
US $35.00 (for distribution to trained RP trainers)
Our Trainers' Follow-Up Training Manual is designed for teachers, counselors, administrators, and other school staff who have been trained in Restorative Practices as trainers, have practiced for over a year and attended a Training of Trainers Workshop. The training manual includes sections on:
- Restorative Philosophy & Assessment
- Proactive Practices & Circles
- Responsive Practices & Circles
- Pedagogy & Academic Engagement
- Equity & Mindfulness
- Implementation & Other Topics
- Book Club Discussion Guide
This training manual is intended to be used by trainers to hold one-hour PDs for staff.

Restorative Justice Facilitator Training Manual
Restorative Solutions, Inc.
Spiral Bound
111 pages
1st Edition 2016
US $25.00 (for distribution at our trainings)
Restorative Justice Facilitator Training Manual is for program staff and volunteers who want to become restorative justice facilitators in their community or juvenile justice program.
This comprehensive training is designed to offer an overview of the skills and knowledge you will need to facilitate Restorative Justice practices for your organization and/or program. Over the course of this program, you will be engaged in a learning community facilitated by a team of trainers, each with their own presentation style and background of experience and knowledge. As a training team, we have planned this training in a collaborative manner and our intention is to offer a professional and caring learning environment for you. Your program coordinator or representative is here to assist you in the integration of this information and to provide you with support as needed.

Law-Related Education and Restorative Justice
Colorado School Mediation Project/Restorative Solutions Inc.
Spiral Bound Six Lesson Curriculum
33 pages
December 2002
US $15.00 plus $10 shipping (email us for a copy)
Law Related Education and Restorative Justice is a six-lesson curriculum for teachers that introduces students to some basic law-related education concepts and applies them to real-world issues. This curriculum also introduces students to the rapidly growing practice of restorative justice and shows how it can complement traditional notions of legal justice. This curriculum is not intended to be an exhaustive examination of either law-related education concepts or restorative justice but is rather a sampling of these concepts for classrooms that have limited time to work with.

Insight Story Cards in a Pouch
The Insight Story™ Cards in a Pouch is a wonderful tool for educators and therapists. The cards easily engage students and staff in Circles, in groups, or one-on-one. The cards tap into our internal experiences and can lead to important insights and valuable conversations. Sometimes images are what is needed to trigger a thought, a feeling, or a deep belief. The Insight Story Card illustrations have a way of accessing the subconscious realm that may not be accessible. All we need is to take the time to listen within and then share our experiences.
Insight Story Cards in a Pouch has 90 symbolic images, which can be used for sharing feelings, storytelling, personal insight, and community building.
Each set includes:
- 90 full-color illustrated cards
- Mesh Pouch
Cost: $10.00 + shipping/handling
$5.00/each for bulk orders of 10 or more

Connection Circle Poster
24 x 36 inches
1 = $40 (includes shipping)
2-5 = $30 each (includes shipping)
10+ = $25 each (includes shipping)
Beautiful color poster of the Connection Circle process for the classroom.
Contact us to order.

Making Things Right DVD: Restorative Justice for School Communities
“One of the best videos around for introducing students and staff to restorative justice in schools.”
Colorado School Mediation Project/Restorative Solutions
DVD, Filmed in Colorado and Minnesota
Approximately 24 Minutes
August 2000
The “Making Things Right” DVD is a compelling overview of how restorative justice is working to successfully transform school discipline and create caring school cultures. Many school communities are beginning to implement Restorative Justice into their own disciplinary process as a means of reducing suspension, expulsion, and police involvement. The goal of these school-based Restorative Justice efforts is to hold offending students accountable for their actions while at the same time addressing the fears and concerns of victims and the wider school community. This video includes interviews with teachers, administrators, parents, and students who have all been impacted by the process.

Kids Working It Out: Stories and Strategies for Making Peace in Our Schools
“Highly Recommend.” (CHOICE, September 1, 2003)“Engaging book.” (Dispute Resolution Journal, April 2003)“I use your book as the primary text for a graduate course I teach in peacebuilding and conflict resolution in education (CRE) twice each summer. It’s still the best CRE book on the market.” (Judy Mullet, co-author of The Little Book of Restorative Discipline for Schools)
Tricia S. Jones (Editor), Randy Compton (Editor)
ISBN: 0-7879-6379-8
384 pages
December 2002, Jossey-Bass
US $35.00
Kids Working It Out offers educators and parents a guide to the most current and effective school-based conflict resolution programs and shows how these programs can make a positive difference in our schools. Throughout the book, students and teachers share their stories of what it’s really like in today’s schools and reveal how Conflict Resolution Education has shaped their experiences. Kids Working It Out covers a wide range of topics— curriculum integration, peer mediation, restorative justice, and others— and shows what it takes to implement an effective program in any school and community.

Student Facilitator Training Manual–Restorative Justice & Restorative Mediation for Schools
Restorative Solutions, Inc.
Spiral Bound
36 pages
Second Edition 2025
US $20.00 (for distribution at our trainings)
Restorative Justice & Restorative Mediation for School Communities Facilitator Training Manual is for students who want to become restorative justice and mediation facilitators in their schools. The training manual includes sections on:
- Restorative Justice Overview
- Restorative Justice and Conflict Mediation in Schools
- Mediation/Conferencing
- Active Listening & Reframing
- Constructing Good Agreements
- Mediation Tips
This training manual is intended to be used with our two or three-day training.