Reasons for Restorative Practices in Schools

School-to-Prison Pipeline and Disproportionate Discipline
When students face exclusionary discipline, they lose connection with their community and start down the road of juvenile delinquency, which leads to prison.

Lack of Belonging, Safety, and Trust in Schools
When these aren’t present, kids misbehave and lose interest in school.

Lost Instructional Time
Exclusionary discipline, poor sense of classroom community, and punitive discipline lead to a significant loss of instructional time.

Suspensions and Office Referrals are Too High
Punitive discipline policies lead to pushing kids out of the classroom and into the School-to-Prison Pipeline.

Staff and Administration Turnover
When there isn’t a strong sense of community, connection, belonging, safety, and trust for adults, it leads to staff and administration turnover. Relational consistency is key for dealing with trauma.

Student Tardies and Attendance
When students don’t feel connected to school or motivated to attend, they are often tardy and even absent. A strong relational environment with an engaging curriculum is what makes students want to come to school.

Lack of Family Engagement
Some students and families have been historically disengaged from school, so there is a need to go slow and be steadfast in building connection and community, both with families and students. In order to authentically engage students and families, we need to build or re-build trust.