Training of Trainers - Become a Licensed Restorative Solutions Trainer in Restorative Practices for Schools

Become a Licensed Restorative Solutions Trainer in Restorative Practices for Schools — April 24 – 26, 2025, on Zoom (and perhaps also in person in Longmont, CO)

Sustaining restorative practices with fidelity requires someone in your school who can provide professional development to staff and ongoing training and support to parents and students. We are holding a Training of Trainers in Restorative Practices to help support school implementation from within.

Restorative Solutions, Inc. is committed to building capacity within schools so that schools can rely on training from within instead of being dependent on outside trainers exclusively. 

This three-day training of trainers in restorative practices is designed for experienced restorative practitioners. Participants should be well-versed in restorative practices and should have a minimum of one year of on-the-ground experience holding circles and conversations with students and adults. 

During the training, participants will be asked to share their experiences with the group. This training will enable participants to become licensed trainers using Restorative Solutions materials and resources within school settings.

The training will cover the following content:

  • Training Activities & Manuals
  • Trainer Guidelines & Strategies
  • Personal/Professional Growth
  • Sample 1 hour, 1 day & 3-day Agendas
  • Mini-PD Modules
  • Facilitation Skills

Time: 8:30 – 4:00 Mountain Time

Location: Zoom & perhaps also In-person (Longmont, CO)

Cost: $1,500


(To download the 2025 flyer, click here: RS ToT Flyer 2025)

Participants will explore the skills and activities needed to train others in the fundamental values and principles of restorative practices. We will have opportunities to learn and practice leading training activities in Connection Circles, Restorative Language and Conversations, and Restorative Agreement Meetings. Time will also be spent on understanding and training others in the fundamentals of Implementation Science, Readiness, Program, and Fidelity Assessments.

Prerequisites required: All participants must have had at least one full year using Restorative Practices in a school setting after having attended an approved Restorative Practices training.

Attendees will receive: CEU credits, lifetime access to our training materials, refreshments, a complimentary copy of Implementing Restorative Practices in Schools, and continued consultation support.

Note: In preparation for our conference presentation entitled “Training of Trainers: Using It Wisely to Build Sustainability” at the National Association of Community and Restorative Justice Conference this past July 2022 in Chicago, we surveyed our Training of Trainer participants to see what they thought of our training and if it was effective in building capacity in the field. Here are the results of that survey: ToT Training Effectiveness Evaluation Summary 2022.

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